Welcome to my website.
I am a passionate computer graphics scientist with an atypical academic path. As any passionate I am very curious about my domain but my curiosity goes far beyond that. This curiosity allows me to explore a lot of different things such as: How a plane fly, how a car is builds, how branch predictions works, ...
I am someone really open to people and I love to exchange with them. Moreover as I play football as a running back and defensive line I understand the importance of teamwork.
I value building a better world with new programs or optimized version of old programs, such as my experience participating in the EDI Anjuta. I would like to contribute more but the clock is running
In my first year of master, I decided to study abroad to improve my English, which cost me a year of study due to syllabus difference, but now I am able to fully communicate in English
My long-term goal is to run a company that edit video games financed by another branch of the company. This model allows delivering the best gaming experience without being oppressed by costs, deadlines or marketing.
For now I would like to find a secure position with decent wages where I will work with GPUs (maybe in the video game industry). I would like to get a job where performance is mandatory.
I am really interested into the optimization and the research of new methods. It is why I would like to work with the new graphics API Vulkan
- C
- C++ 11/14
- ARM assembler
- Matlab
- OpenGL
- Vulkan
- DirectX
- Cuda/OpenCL
- Real time rendering
- Offline rendering
- Parrallel programming
- Parametric surfaces/curve
- Implicit surfaces
- Procedural generation
- Memory understanding (cache miss)
- Automatic classification
- Frequential analysis
- Application conception and debugging
- English (fluent)
- Bokmål (basics A1)
- Git
- Android
- Cmake
- Senior Graphics Engineer for Arm - Trondheim (Norway) - January 2021/On Duty
- Application Engineer for Thales - Toulouse (France) - September 2019/December 2020
- Application Engineer for 6Mouv - Toulouse (France) - May 2019/September 2019
- Application Engineer for Alten - Toulouse (France) - April 2018/On Duty
- Graphics Programmer for Persistant Studios - Paris (France) - March 2017/May 2018
- Delivery man for PizzaPasCher.fr - Toulouse (France) - August 2015/July 2016
- Waiter for "Le Moulin De Fitou" - Fitou (France) - July, August 2014
- Delivery man for PizzaPasCher.fr - Toulouse (France) - September 2013/July 2014
- Waiter for "Le Moulin De Fitou" - Fitou (France) - July, August 2013
- Delivery man for PizzaPasCher.fr - Toulouse (France) - December 2012/June 2013
- Municipal employee - Fitou (France) - August 2011
- Waiter for "Le Moulin De Fitou" - Fitou (France) - July, August 2011/2012
- Internship VSO Software - Toulouse - Tracking of bug/features - May, June 2011
- TER (Research work) - Toulouse - Integration of antialiasing SMAA in a real time rendering engine - April, June 2014
Personnal/Education Projects
Usually my personnal projects are not finished (some bugs can appears)! It is due to the lack of time!
- I am actually working on my modular 3D real time game engine. Actually it is the begining it will grow in same time than my graphic courses give me some assignments, and when I have enough time for it.
- I did a multiplayer game engine in JAVA. It is designed for turn by turn game. It is based on a state model.
- Exam sheduler solver. My group project for the course Artificial Intelligence at UofC. My part was the communication between every component of the application, I did massive multithreading (all core are used for the search), and I optimized the reader speed by ~98%.
- Managing my server, with the following services: email, git, web, vpn
- I develloped a version of a very famous alcohol game. the name is Bizkit, and it is actually available on the play store.
- Building a lexicographical tree library here the git repository
- Master 2 in computer graphics - Université Claude-Bernard - Lyon (France) - 2016/2017
- Master 1 in computer graphics - Paul Sabatier university - Toulouse (France) - 2015/2016
- Master 1 in computer graphics - Calgary University - Calgary (Canada AB) - 2014/2015
- Bachelor in computer science - Paul Sabatier university - Toulouse (France) - 2012/2014
Technical University
- BTS IRIS (Technical Degree in computer science for the industry and services) - Lycée Pablo Picasso - Perpignan - 2010/2012 - 14.84/20
Level A
- STI Génie-Mécanique (Technical level) - Lycée Pablo Picasso - Perpignan (France) - 2010 - Mention AB
Please do not be shy contact me for any question about me or my work. I will answer as soon as possible.
Email: contact@huot-marchand.fr